The purpose of ByPublicTransport.com is is to inform you about traveling by public transport. Most visitors who visit this site arrive here via search engines like Google or Bing when looking for information about going to some place without a car.
I’ve been living 33 years with a driving license, but without a car. I’ve traveled in over 20 countries, using public transport alone. This went without any major problems. However to my experience, information on traveling by public transport is often fragmented. You will usually find the information you’re looking for, but often end up browsing several websites, guides and drawing your own conclusions. With this in mind, the idea of creating this website was born. Basically, being an experienced traveler and user of public transport, I share my knowledge with you and try to guide you to the place you would like to visit, in the same way I would explain to you if you would have met me somewhere in real live.
Benefits of Public Transport
Public transportation systems bring many benefits to individuals, communities, and the local economy, but all too often, they don’t get near the amount of attention that they should. Compare it with the media attention self-driving cars get for example. Well, here are some of the benefits of public transport:
It benefits communities financially
For every dollar invested in public transportation, approximately $4.00 in economic returns are generated, and for every $1 billion in investments in the sector, 50,000 jobs are created and supported.
Public transportation reduces air pollution
By moving people more efficiently, public transit produces significantly less air pollution per passenger mile than a standard car carrying a single driver.
Increased fuel efficiency
Along with reducing air pollution, public transportation is also more fuel efficient per passenger mile, which contributes to an overall decrease in the amount of energy necessary for transportation.
Reduced traffic congestion
Public transportation can convey many more people in much less space than individual automobiles, which helps to keep traffic congestion lower, which in turn reduces air pollution from idling vehicles, and helps riders avoid the stress that comes from daily driving in highly congested areas.
Saves money
Each family that gets rid of one car and relies on public transit saves over $10,000 per year. It can save individuals a significant amount of money each month in avoided gas, maintenance, insurance, parking, taxes and other expenses.
Increases mobility
For those who can’t, or don’t want to drive, public transportation allows them to get to work, to school, to the grocery store or doctor’s office, or just to visit friends, without having to engage a friend or relative to do the driving.
Increases human up time
Taking public transportation can free up a significant amount of time and attention, as someone else is doing the driving, which allows riders to spend their transit time reading, working on a laptop or smartphone, studying, or being entertained instead of having to watch the road. It also reduces commute time for people living in areas with public transportation networks.
Public transportation is safer
Taking the bus, train, light rail, or other transit options is safer than driving a car. Bus- and train-related accidents happen at a lesser rate, and with much lower passenger fatality rates than car travel does. In addition, most transit centers have higher levels of security monitoring and reduced crime rates than other areas.
It encourages a healthier lifestyle
Public transportation is linked to healthier lifestyles, as people who use public transportation are said to get more than three times the amount of physical activity per day than those who don’t, just from walking to and from their transit stops and their final destination. A study done by the city of Copenhagen linked a healthier lifestyle with a lower mortality rate, a happier disposition, and more productivity at work. Everyone needs physical activity to stay healthy. But it can be hard to find the time in your busy routine. Public transport makes it easier to get more active. And small changes can add up to big health benefits!
It might enhance your mood and mental health
Traveling by public transport is saver and less stressful than a car. And while in your seat, there’s plenty of time to meditate, sleep, play games, and watch movies.
Social connections increase when driving is decreased
Often, cars are used to allow people to live in larger houses that are far from city centers, work and shopping areas. Moreover, when traveling by public transport you’re not alone in a car, but among other people.
Public transportation contributes to both the economical and physical health of individuals, it brings financial benefits to communities, and it provides not only jobs in the industry itself, but is also a key component of a healthy business ecosystem by increasing mobility options for both job commuters and customers alike.